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" class="smalllink">Home Pagehttp://www.tucsonproperties.net/data/tar/sasearch.asp" class="smalllink">Property SearchSite Map

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3108 E Corte De La Raqueta
Tucson, Arizona


  • Ceramic Tile, Laminate Floor
  • Laundry Electric Dryer Hookup, In Garage
  • Contemporary Style
  • Attached Garage/Carport, Electric Door Opener
  • Frame Stucco Construction
  • Living Room
  • Central Air
  • Granite Countertops
  • Heat Pump Heating
  • Electric Water Heater
  • Jogging Bike Path, Pool, Spa Facilities
  • Dining Area
  • Dishwasher, Electric Range, Garbage Disposal, Microwave, Refrigerator
  • Double Vanity, Exhaust Fan, Shower and Tub
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Central Vacuum, Dual Pane Windows, Split Bedroom Plan, Walk In Closet(s)
  • High Speed Internet
  • Security Wrought Iron Security Door
  • Pool, Spa/Hot Tub


Absolutely INCREDIBLE opportunity to own one of the largest floor plans in the desirable Racquet Club Village! This is a true 3 bedroom, 2 bath with all the room you will need! Kitchen has been updated to include Granite countertops and updated lighting! Guest bathroom has been updated to include Granite countertops, sink, and paint! NO CARPET ANYWHERE! Fresh, neutral wood laminate flooring in all living areas and tile everywhere else. One of the nicest units in the community. Don't let this slip by, Schedule a showing today!


River to campbell, south on campbell, east on prince, north on country club road, right on north paseo de las canchas to guest parking.

3108 E Corte De La Raqueta
Tucson, Arizona


Bedrooms    3
Baths 2
Year Built 1986
Square Feet 1824
Lot Sq. Ft. 1089
Garage 2 Car Garage
Tax $2038/yr
HOA Dues $121 paid Monthly
Listed By Long Realty
Listing Price $359,000
MLS Number 22408105
Elementary Cragin
Middle Doolen
High Catalina
District Tucson Unified
Bedrooms    3
Baths 2
Year Built 1986
Square Feet 1824
Lot Sq. Ft. 1089
Garage 2 Car Garage
Tax $2038/yr
HOA Dues $121 paid Monthly
Listed By Long Realty
Listing Price $359,000
MLS Number 22408105
Elementary Cragin
Middle Doolen
High Catalina
District Tucson Unified


  • Ceramic Tile, Laminate Floor
  • Laundry Electric Dryer Hookup, In Garage
  • Contemporary Style
  • Attached Garage/Carport, Electric Door Opener
  • Frame Stucco Construction
  • Living Room
  • Central Air
  • Granite Countertops
  • Heat Pump Heating
  • Electric Water Heater
  • Jogging Bike Path, Pool, Spa Facilities
  • Dining Area
  • Dishwasher, Electric Range, Garbage Disposal, Microwave, Refrigerator
  • Double Vanity, Exhaust Fan, Shower and Tub
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Central Vacuum, Dual Pane Windows, Split Bedroom Plan, Walk In Closet(s)
  • High Speed Internet
  • Security Wrought Iron Security Door
  • Pool, Spa/Hot Tub


Absolutely INCREDIBLE opportunity to own one of the largest floor plans in the desirable Racquet Club Village! This is a true 3 bedroom, 2 bath with all the room you will need! Kitchen has been updated to include Granite countertops and updated lighting! Guest bathroom has been updated to include Granite countertops, sink, and paint! NO CARPET ANYWHERE! Fresh, neutral wood laminate flooring in all living areas and tile everywhere else. One of the nicest units in the community. Don't let this slip by, Schedule a showing today!


River to campbell, south on campbell, east on prince, north on country club road, right on north paseo de las canchas to guest parking.

Additional Photos:

*/?> "; include "header_footer_links.htm"; ?>
" class="smalllink">Home Pagehttp://www.tucsonproperties.net/data/tar/sasearch.asp" class="smalllink">Property SearchSite Map
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