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" class="smalllink">Home Pagehttp://www.tucsonproperties.net/data/tar/sasearch.asp" class="smalllink">Property SearchSite Map

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10069 N Blue Crossing Way
Tucson, Arizona


  • Covered, Patio, Paver Patio
  • Carpet, Ceramic Tile Floor
  • Den, Loft, Office
  • Laundry Dryer, Laundry Room, Washer
  • Contemporary Style
  • Attached Garage/Carport, Electric Door Opener
  • Frame Stucco Construction
  • Family Room, Living Room, Off Kitchen
  • Ceiling Fans, Central Air, Zoned
  • Mountains, Residential, Sunset Views
  • Stainless Appliances
  • Closet Pantry
  • Forced Air, Natural Gas, Zoned Heating
  • Natural Gas Water Heater
  • Natural Gas
  • Basketball Court, Jogging Bike Path, Park, Paved Street, Pool, Spa, Tennis Courts, Walking Trail Facilities
  • Breakfast Bar, Dining Area, Formal Dining Room
  • Dishwasher, Garbage Disposal, Gas Oven, Gas Range, Island, Microwave, Refrigerator
  • Double Vanity, Exhaust Fan, Separate Shower(s), Soaking Tub
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Dual Pane Windows, High Ceilings 9+, Plant Shelves, Storage, Walk In Closet(s)
  • BBQ-Built-In, Outdoor Kitchen
  • Alarm System, Satellite Dish
  • Security Alarm Installed, Smoke Detector(s)
  • Park, Pool, Recreation Room, Spa/Hot Tub


FABULOUS 2 STORY w/3 BDRM+DEN and LOFT Will Fit All Your Needs! The PRIVATE PARK-LIKE Backyard Is Framed w/Shade Trees and Features A FANTASTIC Covered OUTDOOR KITCHEN/BBQ w/BUILT-IN GAS FIREPIT To Wine, Dine and Relax After A Long Day Or Entertain w/Friends and Family. SEPARATE PATIO AREAS w/Custom Pavers. Spacious Tiled Family Rm Flows To Open Kitchen Featuring Plenty Of Cabinets, Meal Prep Island, Stainless Steel Appliances, New Dishwasher and Deep SS Sink. The Downstairs Den Can Be Converted To A Bdrm Or Office and The Flex Space Upstairs Offers More Options! LARGE PRIMARY BEDROOM and Bthrm w/Dual Sinks, Soaking Tub and HUGE Closet. Convenient Upstairs Laundry Rm Incls W/D! BIKE Or WALK ''THE LOOP'' Across The Street. Low HOA Incls 2 Pools! MINS To Freeway, Premium Outlet Mall, Schools and Much More!


Interstate ten and twin peaks, west to coachline, turn right on coachline to armor crest road, take right, then left on blue crossing way to property (10069).

10069 N Blue Crossing Way
Tucson, Arizona


Bedrooms    3
Baths 3
Year Built 2002
Square Feet 2301
Lot Sq. Ft. 5489
Stories 2
Garage 2 Car Garage
Tax $3464/yr
HOA Dues $30 paid Semi-Annually
Listed By Long Realty
Listing Price $415,000
MLS Number 22408765
Elementary Twin Peaks K-8
Middle Twin Peaks K-8
High Marana
District Marana
Bedrooms    3
Baths 3
Year Built 2002
Square Feet 2301
Lot Sq. Ft. 5489
Stories 2
Garage 2 Car Garage
Tax $3464/yr
HOA Dues $30 paid Semi-Annually
Listed By Long Realty
Listing Price $415,000
MLS Number 22408765
Elementary Twin Peaks K-8
Middle Twin Peaks K-8
High Marana
District Marana


  • Covered, Patio, Paver Patio
  • Carpet, Ceramic Tile Floor
  • Den, Loft, Office
  • Laundry Dryer, Laundry Room, Washer
  • Contemporary Style
  • Attached Garage/Carport, Electric Door Opener
  • Frame Stucco Construction
  • Family Room, Living Room, Off Kitchen
  • Ceiling Fans, Central Air, Zoned
  • Mountains, Residential, Sunset Views
  • Stainless Appliances
  • Closet Pantry
  • Forced Air, Natural Gas, Zoned Heating
  • Natural Gas Water Heater
  • Natural Gas
  • Basketball Court, Jogging Bike Path, Park, Paved Street, Pool, Spa, Tennis Courts, Walking Trail Facilities
  • Breakfast Bar, Dining Area, Formal Dining Room
  • Dishwasher, Garbage Disposal, Gas Oven, Gas Range, Island, Microwave, Refrigerator
  • Double Vanity, Exhaust Fan, Separate Shower(s), Soaking Tub
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Dual Pane Windows, High Ceilings 9+, Plant Shelves, Storage, Walk In Closet(s)
  • BBQ-Built-In, Outdoor Kitchen
  • Alarm System, Satellite Dish
  • Security Alarm Installed, Smoke Detector(s)
  • Park, Pool, Recreation Room, Spa/Hot Tub


FABULOUS 2 STORY w/3 BDRM+DEN and LOFT Will Fit All Your Needs! The PRIVATE PARK-LIKE Backyard Is Framed w/Shade Trees and Features A FANTASTIC Covered OUTDOOR KITCHEN/BBQ w/BUILT-IN GAS FIREPIT To Wine, Dine and Relax After A Long Day Or Entertain w/Friends and Family. SEPARATE PATIO AREAS w/Custom Pavers. Spacious Tiled Family Rm Flows To Open Kitchen Featuring Plenty Of Cabinets, Meal Prep Island, Stainless Steel Appliances, New Dishwasher and Deep SS Sink. The Downstairs Den Can Be Converted To A Bdrm Or Office and The Flex Space Upstairs Offers More Options! LARGE PRIMARY BEDROOM and Bthrm w/Dual Sinks, Soaking Tub and HUGE Closet. Convenient Upstairs Laundry Rm Incls W/D! BIKE Or WALK ''THE LOOP'' Across The Street. Low HOA Incls 2 Pools! MINS To Freeway, Premium Outlet Mall, Schools and Much More!


Interstate ten and twin peaks, west to coachline, turn right on coachline to armor crest road, take right, then left on blue crossing way to property (10069).

Additional Photos:

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