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$show="with Land"; $list="yes";} if (substr_count($mypath, "/bankowned.htm")) {$modifier="Bank Owned"; $between=''; $show='by Area';} if (substr_count($mypath, "/bankowned/")) {$modifier="Bank Owned";} if (substr_count($mypath, "/shortsale.htm")) {$modifier="Short Sale"; $between=''; $show='by Area';} if (substr_count($mypath, "/shortsale/")) {$modifier="Short Sale";} if (substr_count($mypath, "/leasepurchase.htm")) {$modifier="Lease Purchase"; $between=''; $show=' ';} if (substr_count($mypath, "/leasepurchase/")) {$modifier="Lease Purchase";} //if (substr_count($mypath, "/golf.htm")) {$between=('by'); $ender=" Community";} if (substr_count($mypath, "/gated.htm")) {$between=('by'); $ender=" Community";} if (substr_count($mypath, "/listingtype.htm")) {$between=('by'); $list="yes";} if (substr_count($mypath, "/subdivision.htm")) {$between=('by'); $list="yes";} if (substr_count($mypath, "/community.htm")) {$between=('by'); $list="yes";} if (substr_count($mypath, "/golf.htm")) {$between=('by'); 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" class="smalllink">Home Pagehttp://www.tucsonproperties.net/data/tar/sasearch.asp" class="smalllink">Property SearchSite Map

*/ } //end if //print $site_name; } //load entire file if not articles ?> "; } if ($filename){ print ("\n"); } //print "-->$whereclause<--"; if ($keyword=="University") {$keyword="University of Arizona Area";} if ($keyword=="Downtown") {$keyword="Downtown Area";} $whereclause = str_replace("\\" , "" , $whereclause); if ($featured) {$whereclause="where officename='$own_listing_string' order by price desc";} $url_subdivision=(urlencode($subdivision)); //print ("$url_subdivision"); //SET START RECORD BASED ON PAGING MOVE $count=0; if (!$start_record) {$start_record=1;} if ($paging_move=="previous") {$start_record = $start_record - 40;} elseif ($paging_move=="next") {$start_record = $start_record + 40;} if ($start_record<1) {$start_record=1;} //print("$whereclause"); //SET UP TABLE QUERY FOR MATCHING RECORDS $host="localhost"; $user="getdata"; $password="getdata"; $dbname="tar"; if ($filename or $site_name=='tucsonproperties.net'){ $tablename="tar_homes"; }else{ $tablename="tar_homes_sander"; } //print "$tablename"; $link=mysqli_connect ($host, $user, $password, $dbname); if ($whereclause=="newlistings"){ $keyword="newlistings"; } if ($keyword=="newlistings") { if ($mun){ $thismun=" and mun='$mun'"; if ($mun=='GVSAH') $thismun="and (mun='Green Valley' or mun='Sahuarita')"; } //$today=date("Y-m-d"); $thisday= (date("d")-1); $thismonth=date("m"); $thisyear=date("y"); $thishour= date("H"); $thisminute=date("i"); $thissecond=date("s"); $yesterday=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime($thishour, $thisminute, $thissecond, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear)); $query="select MarketingRemarks, sellertype, yrblt, internal_listing_id, listing_date, initial_price, Status, short_sale, sqft, lotsqft, acres, latitude, longitude, mls_no, photonum, url, area, listingtype, subdivision, mls_number, mlsno, bedrooms, baths, street_suffix, zip, mun, price, addrnum, unit, state, addrname, nsew from tar_homes left join tar_homes_images on (tar_homes.mlsno=tar_homes_images.mls_no and tar_homes_images.photonum='1') left join newlistings on (mlsno=mls_number and listing_count='1') where listing_date>='$yesterday' $thismun order by price, internal_listing_id"; }else{ $thisclause=str_replace("order by price desc", " ", $whereclause); $thisclause=str_replace("order by price", " ", $thisclause); $query="select concat_ws(' ', NULLIF(addrnum, ''), NULLIF(nsew, ''), NULLIF(addrname, ''), NULLIF(Street_Suffix, ''),NULLIF(Unit, ''),NULLIF(mun, ''),NULLIF(state, '')) as address, price_per_sqft, MarketingRemarks, sellertype, yrblt, internal_listing_id, Status, short_sale, sqft, lotsqft, acres, latitude, longitude, mls_no, photonum, url, area, listingtype, subdivision, mlsno, bedrooms, baths, street_suffix, zip, mun, price, addrnum, unit, addrname, nsew, state from $tablename left join tar_homes_images on ($tablename.mlsno=tar_homes_images.mls_no and tar_homes_images.photonum='1') ".$thisclause." order by price, internal_listing_id"; } //SANTAMARIA and REALPROS sites have pluses as spaces coming from sasearch.php $query=str_replace("+"," ", $query); //print "


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No Criteria Entered

Please Try Again

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"); }else{ print ("
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" class="smalllink">Home Pagehttp://www.tucsonproperties.net/data/tar/sasearch.asp" class="smalllink">Property SearchSite Map
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