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" class="smalllink">Home Pagehttp://www.tucsonproperties.net/data/tar/sasearch.asp" class="smalllink">Property SearchSite Map

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5783 S Dame Dr
Green Valley, Arizona


  • Covered, Patio, Paver Patio
  • Carpet, Ceramic Tile Floor
  • Active Adult Community
  • Laundry Dryer, Laundry Room, Washer
  • SouthWestern Style
  • RV Parking: Short Term
  • Attached Garage/Carport, Electric Door Opener, Extended Length
  • Frame Stucco Construction
  • Great Room
  • Ceiling Fans, Central Air
  • Residential Views
  • Closet Pantry
  • Fireplace in Patio
  • Firepit Fireplace
  • Natural Gas Heating
  • Natural Gas Water Heater
  • Natural Gas
  • Exercise Facilities, Golf, Paved Street, Pickleball, Pool, Rec Center Facilities
  • Great Room
  • Dishwasher, Exhaust Fan, Garbage Disposal, Gas Range, Microwave, Refrigerator
  • Double Vanity, Shower Only
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Dual Pane Windows, Foyer, High Ceilings 9+, Walk In Closet(s)
  • Cable TV, High Speed Internet
  • Security Smoke Detector(s)


Are you seeking a golf villa, full-time or seasonal residence, or investment property? Look no further! Rare opportunity to own a villa in the premier neighborhood of Canoa Ranch Golf Resort. It features 1, 526 square feet, an open floor plan, two bedrooms, two baths, den, and laundry. Best of all, the garage is over-sized, with space for your golf cart. The plank tiling (except bedrooms), with neutral colors throughout, will allow you to add your own special touches. The kitchen is beautifully appointed with white cabinetry, granite counters, and a gas range. The master suite has a large closet, large walk-in shower, and separate vanities. The cozy rear patio has travertine pavers and a gas fire pit. It is truly an entertainer's dream. Somehow your morning coffee or.


From canoa ranch road, south on camino del sol, bear slightly left, south on waynes way, west on waynes way, north on dame drive to property on the right.

5783 S Dame Dr
Green Valley, Arizona


Bedrooms    2
Baths 2
Year Built 2022
Square Feet 1526
Lot Sq. Ft. 4356
Stories 1
Garage 2 Car Garage
Tax $3147/yr
HOA Dues $321 paid Monthly
Listed By Long Realty -Green Valley
Listing Price $374,000
MLS Number 22405319
Elementary Continental
Middle Continental
High Walden Grove
District Continental
Bedrooms    2
Baths 2
Year Built 2022
Square Feet 1526
Lot Sq. Ft. 4356
Stories 1
Garage 2 Car Garage
Tax $3147/yr
HOA Dues $321 paid Monthly
Listed By Long Realty -Green Valley
Listing Price $374,000
MLS Number 22405319
Elementary Continental
Middle Continental
High Walden Grove
District Continental


  • Covered, Patio, Paver Patio
  • Carpet, Ceramic Tile Floor
  • Active Adult Community
  • Laundry Dryer, Laundry Room, Washer
  • SouthWestern Style
  • RV Parking: Short Term
  • Attached Garage/Carport, Electric Door Opener, Extended Length
  • Frame Stucco Construction
  • Great Room
  • Ceiling Fans, Central Air
  • Residential Views
  • Closet Pantry
  • Fireplace in Patio
  • Firepit Fireplace
  • Natural Gas Heating
  • Natural Gas Water Heater
  • Natural Gas
  • Exercise Facilities, Golf, Paved Street, Pickleball, Pool, Rec Center Facilities
  • Great Room
  • Dishwasher, Exhaust Fan, Garbage Disposal, Gas Range, Microwave, Refrigerator
  • Double Vanity, Shower Only
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Dual Pane Windows, Foyer, High Ceilings 9+, Walk In Closet(s)
  • Cable TV, High Speed Internet
  • Security Smoke Detector(s)


Are you seeking a golf villa, full-time or seasonal residence, or investment property? Look no further! Rare opportunity to own a villa in the premier neighborhood of Canoa Ranch Golf Resort. It features 1, 526 square feet, an open floor plan, two bedrooms, two baths, den, and laundry. Best of all, the garage is over-sized, with space for your golf cart. The plank tiling (except bedrooms), with neutral colors throughout, will allow you to add your own special touches. The kitchen is beautifully appointed with white cabinetry, granite counters, and a gas range. The master suite has a large closet, large walk-in shower, and separate vanities. The cozy rear patio has travertine pavers and a gas fire pit. It is truly an entertainer's dream. Somehow your morning coffee or.


From canoa ranch road, south on camino del sol, bear slightly left, south on waynes way, west on waynes way, north on dame drive to property on the right.

Additional Photos:

*/?> "; include "header_footer_links.htm"; ?>
" class="smalllink">Home Pagehttp://www.tucsonproperties.net/data/tar/sasearch.asp" class="smalllink">Property SearchSite Map
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